Install SublimeClang in Sublime Text 3

This HowTo explains how  you install SublimeClang in Sublime Text 3 (ST3)

Using SublimeClang in Sublime Text 3

  1. Download sublimeClang through git to the packages folder of Sublime Text 3
     a) git clone --recursive SublimeClang
     b) cd SublimeClang
     c) git pull && git submodule foreach --recursive git pull origin master
  2. Download the SublimeClang-1.0.41.sublime-package from and rename it to
  3. Extract the zip-file and copy libclang.dll and libcache.dll (if you use a 32-bit version of Sublime Text 3) or libclang_x64.dll and libcache_x64.dll (if you use a 64-bit verision of Sublime Text 3) into “SublimeClang\internals” in the package folder of Sublime Text 3.
  4. Configure SublimeClang settings file as needed. See examples in Preferences -> Package Settings -> SublimeClang -> Settings – Default.
  5. Restart Sublime Text 3 and code completion should work if your settings are correct (see step 4).